TweetSweep: Win a membership in Yaro Starak's Blog Mastermind program - ends 1/31

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Win a membership in Yaro Starak's Blog Mastermind program - ends 1/31

John Chow is holding his first ever Twitter only contest. The only way to enter this contest is by being on Twitter. What is Twitter? Go here for a plain English explanation.
The contest is going to be really simple to enter and he has some really nice prizes up for grabs, starting with a $497 membership into the Yaro Stark's Blog Mastermind program.

Here are the details via John Chow's blog:

Blog Mastermind is by far the most complete course on blogging that I have ever came across. If you follow the six month course, there should be no reason why you couldn't make full time income with part time blogging. Yaro has students making up to $30,000 per month with blogs valued at $5 million. I highly recommend anyone who's thinking about making money by blogging to enroll in this course. Here's how you can win it.

  1. Follow me on Twitter.
  2. Tweet the following message to your followers

    Just entered the $497 Blog Mastermind contest. You can win by following @JohnChowDotCom and retweet.

The script I'm using to track entries is set up to detect @JohnChowDotCom and so make sure you have both of those two items in your tweet. This contest is open to anyone in the Twitter world. The winner will be announce at the end of the month.