RGS is giving away this backpack every ubergeek is going to love. It charges cell phones and other small appliances which can be charged via USB. This $250 value backpack can be yours.
It’s made off recycled PET bottles and has a solar panel strong enough to charge your gadgets fully in matter of 1-2 hours. It’s very durable and water-resistant and even fits a laptop.
What do you need to do in order to win?
First off visit the manufacture site: Soular and take a note of the Peak Voltage of this backpack (yes, you will have to search for it)!
Then go to your twitter account and follow me (in case you haven’t yet) and tweet this:
RandomGoodStuff is raffling this awesome solar backpack: http://tinyurl.com/bq372h [RT @RandomGoodStuff ]
After that send me an email to jogi21 ———– @ ———- gmail.com with your tweeted message and the peak voltage number of this backpack.
RGS will pick one random winner who did all the above on March 10th 2009 and announce him/her on RGS and via Twitter.
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