TweetSweep: Ning for Dummies Daily Twitter Giveaway - ends June 1

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ning for Dummies Daily Twitter Giveaway - ends June 1

One lucky person will be selected every day as the winner of a free copy of Ning For Dummies, starting May 26th 2009, until June 1st, 2009.

Here’s what you need to do:
1) You need to have an account on Twitter.
2) Send @ningfordummies a Tweet with the following message so I know to count you in:
"@ningfordummies: I want to win one of the copies of Ning For Dummies you are giving away every day until 6/1: #nfdgvwy"

You don't need to follow @ningfordummies to win.

The daily winners will be posted on this blog and @ningfordummies.