TweetSweep: Saboteur E3 Giveaway - ends ongoing

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Saboteur E3 Giveaway - ends ongoing

E3 is here and Pandemic Studios' The Saboteur has the sickest swag to give away. So we want to give the community a chance to get their hands on one of these must have items from E3 2009.

Interested in how to get a hold of one these epic items? than you need to do 2 things.

1.) Create a Twitter account & Follow @pandemicstudios (
2.) Become familiar with The Saboteurs E3 CGI Trailer which can be viewed here:

Once you have completed the 2 items above make sure to watch @Pandemicstudios Twitter feed each day during E3 for the time and place of that days giveaway. One Epic swag item will be given away each day. We will choose the winner based upon the first person to answer the question posted (The question being related to the Official CGI trailer

Reply all answers to @pandmeicstudios and you must use the #e3 hash in your response. If you have any questions make sure to send them over to @pandemicstudios on twitter or post them here.