TweetSweep: Coffee Cup News - Win one of 5 Coffee Makers ~ no end date listed

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Coffee Cup News - Win one of 5 Coffee Makers ~ no end date listed

Step 1 (This is your registration, very easy.):

Tweet out this message -
CoffeeCupNews is Giving Away *Five $150 Coffee Brewers* in The Coffee Tweet Contest! #CoffeeTweet

Step 2:

Watch for me to tweet out, "Tweet this 2 Win, "
CoffeeCupNews is where I get my Coffee News. I love CCN aka CoffeeCupNews! #CoffeeTweet" within 60 seconds of me reaching 4,000 / 5,000 / 6,000 / 7,000 & 8,000 Followers. Then reply with the above message as a reply to that actual tweet and Win! Watch the Grand Finally Live at --->

The First 3 people to reply to the above tweet Win:


1st Place: Cuisinart Coffee Brewer

2nd Place: Bodum Coffee / French Press

3rd Place: A Coffee Mug

Check out PART 2 of this Contest to win a $300 Espresso Machine! HERE ---> GL EVERYONE!

QUESTIONS? a little confused? - ask them in the comments or email me at

*The Small Print*
*If you have won a 1,000 Follower Contest 1st-3rd Place Prize in the past then you are not eligible to win a 1st-3rd Place Prize 6 months from the date of your win. Though you can still participate and win a runner up prize - $5 gift cards. Anyone that responds in the prescribed way that has not entered or registered for the contest by entering their tweet information in the comments or by email is not eligible to win. Although we love our international followers. All prizes only ship within the United States unless the international participant is willing to pre-pay for their shipping via paypal. Shipping is free for all participants in the Continental United States. One entry per household.