TweetSweep: Follow to Win - Win a C Note watch - ends 2/11

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Follow to Win - Win a C Note watch - ends 2/11


For this week’s contest we are giving away this sick C Note watch from Freestyle Watches! This watch is awesome and I am sad that I don’t get it for myself but it makes me more happy to know that one of my followers will be enjoying the fact that they just won this thing a week from now!

I will be giving this watch away next Wednesday at 7:00 PM est. which is February 11, 2009. Good luck to everyone entering! Make sure to enter you follow ALL the rules. There are only two; follow us and retweet the phrase on the right. That’s it!

Good luck everyone!

  • STEP 1: Follow Us

    Go to and follow us.
  • STEP 2: Tweet this...

    Tweet the following:

    Just entered to win a Freestyle C Note Watch. Just follow @followtowin and retweet.

    Once you tweet this you are entered. Check here to see if you are entered to win.