TweetSweep: Portland Twitter Giveaway: PDX Jazz Fest Tickets - ends 2/22

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Portland Twitter Giveaway: PDX Jazz Fest Tickets - ends 2/22

The Portland Jazz Festival starts Friday, February 13th through the 22nd. Currently several tickets are BUY 1 Get ONE Free (through ticketmaster, by calling the pdxjazz box office at 503-828-JAZZ or
which is an amazing deal. Most (all?) tickets are $35, so that is a great deal.

Twitter LogoIn addition, we are giving away many tickets on twitter starting Thursday afternoon (1:30-ish). To win, you simply have to follow us on twitter and enter our drawings by answering our trivia questions (they are easy). We are also giving away tickets to “How to Disappear” at PCS many other events this weekend. So follow Twitter giveaway examples at the bottom of this post.

One Response to “Portland Twitter Giveaway: PDX Jazz Fest Tickets | February 13-22”

PDX Jazz Fest Tickets Giveaway Says:

[...] win, you simply have to follow these guys on twitter and enter the drawings by answering the trivia questions (they are supposedly [...]