TweetSweep: Flying Dog Twitter Haiku Contest

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Flying Dog Twitter Haiku Contest

17 syllables.




That’s Haiku. And we’re having a Twitter Haiku contest. Here’s how to participate:

  1. Write a Flying Dog Haiku. “What’s a Flying Dog Haiku,” you ask? That’s for you to decide and us to judge.
  2. Post it on twitter with “@flyingdog” at the beginning. the @flyingdog is not part of your haiku.
  3. Do it before Noon on Feb 18, 2009.
  4. The top 5 haikus will be chosen by our esteemed panel of Neal Stewart (Prime Minister of Marketing/@nealstewart), Josh Mishell (Visual Viceroy/@joshmishell), Jim Caruso (Flying Dog CEO), Stephanie Kerchner (PR and Events Ninja/@stephkerchner) and maybe a few more people.
  5. Yes, it should be creative.
  6. Yes, we like to see our name in lights, so including something about Flying Dog earns brownie points with the judges. Maybe something about Gonzo, Hunter S. Thompson, Ralph Steadman - you get the point. Go to our website for some creative motivation.
  7. The top 5 Twitter Haikus will receive $50 gift certificate to our online store.
  8. Must be 21 to enter and/or win.
  9. All entries must be posted to by NOON, Feb 18.
  10. The judges decision is final. Believe us, they’re not screwing around.

And yes, this contest was inspired by Beer Haiku Daily.